Loan Counselors

Evaluate, authorize, or recommend approval of commercial, real estate, or credit loans.

Evaluate, authorize, or recommend approval of commercial, real estate, or credit loans. Advise borrowers on financial status and payment methods. Includes mortgage loan officers and agents, collection analysts, loan servicing officers, loan underwriters, and payday loan officers.

Many people dream of buying a house… or going to college… but these plans, and many others, cost more money than most people have. That’s where credit and loan counselors and officers come in -they help people find the best ways to borrow the money they need. Loan officers meet with people applying for loans. They examine applicants’ financial records and determine just how much money they may be able to borrow. Some people have financial problems that can make it difficult for them to borrow using traditional options… Loan counselors search for alternatives. Once they’ve found an appropriate loan, counselors explain what financial regulations are involved. Credit counselors help customers resolve financial issues, from creating a plan to pay off debt, to finding a financial aid program for college. Financial matters can be tedious and frustrating to handle, so a steady demeanor is helpful. This work requires the ability to listen carefully and explain complicated issues simply. Credit and loan officers and counselors work in banks, higher education, and mortgage firms. In addition to math skills, they must be detail-oriented to accurately complete loan documents. These professionals usually have a degree in finance or economics. If you like helping people and you’re good with numbers, your skills could lend themselves to a career as a credit professional.

Check out the resources below for more detail about starting your career journey. For more detail on this career or others reach out to Mr. Davis at to schedule a one-on-one career counseling session.

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