Chemical Engineers
hemical Engineers design chemical plant equipment and devise processes for manufacturing chemicals and products

Environmental Engineering Technicians
Apply theory and principles of environmental engineering to modify, test, and operate equipment and devices used in the prevention, control, and remediation of environmental problems.

2022 Summer Youth Employment
PFSC and YES are searching for applicants for their Summer Employment program for 2022.

Clinical Dietician – Betsy Morrow
A recent interview with Betsy Morrow, Clinical Dietician at St. Luke’s – Monroe County detailed her job.

Clinical Nurse Educator – Christina Baker
Christina Baker, Clinical Nurse Educator at St. Luke’s Hospital in Lehighton was interviewed recently to find out more about her path to the position.

Interview with Clinical Supervisor at St. Luke’s
Career Ready Monroe recently held a question and answer session with a Clinical Supervisor from the Monroe Country branch of St. Luke’s Hospital