Civic Minded

Take charge of your community by being an active participant.

Take charge of your community by being an active participant.

  • Knowledgeable about current events
  • Votes
  • Contributes to community

Knowledgeable about government and current events

  • Passes the district-identified civics/citizenship test
  • Understands the structure and interrelationship of local, state, and national governments.
  • Understands the balance of powers between legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
  • Understands individual rights and how to utilize legal protection of those rights.
  • Understands the role of political advocacy for change at the local, state, and national levels.
  • Knows how to access reliable sources for local, national, and global news.


  • Knows how to register to vote and exercise voting privilege in person and through an absentee ballot.

Contributes to community

  • Participates in volunteer or service-learning experiences.
  • Respects local and federal laws and contributes meaningfully to society.