
Planning and Organizing
The employability skills of planning and organizing are about things like working out what is required to get a job done, and then working out when and how you’ll do it.

General technology skills that employers want include things like being able to use a computer for word processing and sending an email, or knowing how to use a photocopier.

The Fantasy, The Ideal, and The Reality of Career Exploration
There’s no magic sorting hat when it comes to finding your career. Career exploration takes time and the path is seldom straight.

College vs. Trade School
Is college really the best option for YOU? This video will help us all understand that going to college is a great option but it’s not always the best decision.

Skills vs. Degree
Employers today prefer skills to degrees. Successful students will focus on acquiring skills rather than diplomas.

Job Interview Tips for Teens
No experience, no problem. Here’s how to prepare for your first job interviews.