
Did you ever imagine you could get paid for creating the art you love? Animators have never been more in demand, as the next phase of the internet is actively being created.

Did you ever imagine you could get paid for creating the art you love? Animators have never been more in demand, as the next phase of the internet is actively being created.

Create special effects or animations using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media for use in products, such as computer games, movies, music videos, and commercials.

On the job, you would:

  • Design complex graphics and animation, using independent judgment, creativity, and computer equipment.
  • Create basic designs, drawings, and illustrations for product labels, cartons, direct mail, or television.
  • Participate in design and production of multimedia campaigns, handling budgeting and scheduling, and assisting with such responsibilities as production coordination, background design, and progress tracking.

Check out the resources below for more detail about starting your career journey as a Multimedia Artists and Animators. For more detail on this career or others reach out to Mr. Davis at to schedule a one-on-one career counseling session.

For more detailed information on if this career is right for you:

Career One-Stop Video: